Saturday, June 6, 2015

Evaluation Test (L.17, 18, 20)

Post your mistakes in this exam on this blog and discuss with your friends.
Choose at least three friends with mistakes that you've done write and discuss with them your answer, and benefit your peers discussion and correction to your mistakes.

Evaluation Test (L.17/18/20)

What’s the genre?  (3m)
1.     Written in stanzas, can have specific rhythm, verses may rhyme, may contain imaginary ideas: ______________
2.    A story that has characters, setting and events like those in real life: _______________
3.    A text that tells facts about the topic. Information is about real people and events and is told in chronological order: __________________

Complete, using the following words:  (10m)
“contortions/ testimony/ publicize/ persisted/ coincidentally/ clamor/ brainchild/ utilitarian/ unison/ wage/ conventional”
1.     A great ______________ was created when scientists announced the discovery of a new planet.
2.    My new car is both fancy and _________________.
3.    An acrobat needs flexibility to do their ________________.
4.    In the performance, we had to move in _____________ in our dance.
5.    I ________________ to continue my project although it was really arduous.
6.     A crowded restaurant is a ________________ to its delicious food.
7.    We decided to ______________ a school basketball team last winter.
8.    They both _________________ wrote about the same topic in their writing assessment.
9.    A new toyshop needs to ________________ its opening.
10. The bifocals are the _______________ of Ben Franklin.

Use the following prefixes or suffixes and root words to form 6 spelling words:  (6m)
“in-, im-, ir-, il-, sub-, over-, under-“              “draft/ merge/ rational/ digestion/
“-ist/ -ant/ -ent”                                                medal/ column/ went/ develop”
1._________________            2._________________           3._________________
4._________________           5._________________           6._________________

Read the paragraph. Then answer the questions below:  (2m)
          Mrs. Ramaz was a plump woman who always wore her hair in a tight bun on the top of her head. “I just don’t have the time to worry about fixing my hair. I’d rather be working with my music students.” She would flutter. Then promptly, at the top of each hour, she would ring the bell she kept on her piano and her next student would enter her music room. “One, two, time’s a fleeting. Three, four, keep on beating,” she would sing as she clapped her hands to the rhythm of the piece being played. Sometimes she would get out her duster and fly it over the piano cabinet and legs, always to the rhythm of the song.
1.     What is the author’s point of view?

2.    What are the clues that told you?

Grammar: Do as shown between brackets:    (5m)
1.     The book/ read   (form a passive sentence)

2.    Yesterday/ the songs/ record/ the DJ  (form a passive sentence)

3.    Dad always says, “You are not allowed to go out alone with your friends.”

4.    Bob said, “You can play in the gym whenever you want.”

5.    Jenny said, “I didn’t score any goals in last week’s match.”


Bridge to Terabithia

Read the following vocabulary words and use 5+ words in a paragraph of your own.
Discuss at least three of your friends paragraphs and reply to their discussions to yours.
This is due on 12th June, 2015

Bridge to Terabithia
Vocabulary List
1.    Hauling: pulling something heavy, slowly and with difficulty
2.   Thumping: to hit someone with your fist; something causing noise
3.   Plunk: to put something down heavily and suddenly
4.   Scalding: burning someone with very hot liquid or steam
5.   Shudder: to shake suddenly and briefly, especially because of an unpleasant thought or feeling.
6.   Suburb: an area outside the city, but near it and consisting mainly of homes
7.   Smirk: a smile that expresses feelings such as superiority, self-satisfaction, … etc.
8.   Deliberately: intentionally
9.   Chord: three or more musical notes played at the same time

10.  Gleaming: shining with a soft light